3 Professionals You Need to Help With a Divorce - Money Edition

Divorce can be complicated, even in an uncontested (dare I say friendly?) situation. You might be a little bit scared: that the other person is going to use this opportunity to make your life miserable, or that you’re going to make some big mistake that will haunt you for the rest of your days.

One thing that can help reassure some of these fears is working with trustworthy professionals to help you navigate every aspect of divorce. When you’re thrust into an overwhelming situation full of legalese and confusing advice, a solid team can help keep things running smoothly.

Compass Coordinators has an extensive list of referrals to help with individual situations, but in this blog post, we’re going to be focusing on finances. Often, when we work with a client, their most pressing questions have to do with money: Can I afford to stay in my house? How do I bring down my costs so I can manage with one income instead of two? Here’s who we recommend when money is on your mind:

1. Financial Professional

Maria Iglesias Martinez, founder of Ever After Wealth

A good financial professional is someone who listens to you and treats you with respect. They are experts, but they don’t force their recommendations on you.

There are actually specialists in divorce out there, like Maria, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and founder of Ever After Wealth, who can collaborate with your attorney to analyze financial data and then explain the impact of settlement proposals to you. Maria will create a roadmap so you can better understand your financial circumstances, the advantages or disadvantages of different settlement scenarios, and financial implications for you and your family moving forward.

2. Mortgage Professional

If you own a house, it’s often your biggest investment. Having someone who knows what they’re doing and can find creative options when it comes to mortgages can be a HUGE asset.

Pam Abirached is a Certified Divorce Lending Professional (licensed in NC & SC), which means she is well-equipped to help individuals going through separation or divorce, or who have already completed their divorce. She can assist with setting up the Separation Agreement/Divorce Decree so that it will allow for both parties to achieve their financial goals in the future, helping refinance a spouse off the marital home(s), assistance in qualifying the lower-income spouse, and so much more. The best way to reach her is email pam.abirached@myccmortgage.com or call (704) 779-3826.

3. Real Estate Agent

Finally, if you do need to sell your house, you need a good real estate agent. Sometimes, when emotions are high (and they often are around a family home) it can be helpful to bring in a neutral third party who knows how to stay unbiased and navigate the legal side as well.

Lori Hawkins and Karyn Porter are Certified Divorce Real Estate Experts (the only ones in the Charlotte metro area!), so they’ve gone through additional training to know how to handle even the most contentious divorce cases. They only handle the sale of the house and don’t “double dip” so they remain impartial. You can reach them at info@porterhawkinsgroup.com or (704) 727-6768.

There’s a lot to think about when you’re facing a divorce, and Compass Coordinators can help you navigate this new space. Beyond providing recommendations to build your team, we can help with things like gathering evidence, updating accounts, finding insurance and more to make sure you have everything you need in place for a healthy, independent life. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.

We’re not attorneys, financial professionals, or mental health professionals, although we partner with these experts when needed. Everything on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as financial or legal advice.


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