Privacy policy.

Compass Coordinators, LLC is committed to honoring the privacy of our clients and their families. We collect and maintain only the personal information that is specifically and knowledgeably provided to us by individuals or their companies.

Compass Coordinators will never rent, exchange or sell clients’ information. We will only share personally identifiable information with a third party if (i) we are required to by law (ii) it is necessary for completing an authorized operation, for instance, to process a credit card transaction, or (iii) if the person submitting the information asks that it be shared. 

We do maintain records on our clients, which we regard as private and confidential and store securely with access limited to authorized staff. There are opportunities within the website to provide Compass Coordinators with contact information, such as when you fill out a contact form. If you provide us with this information, we may contact you for additional information or send you updates. You can contact us to restrict our use of your contact information at any time. 

In addition, we do collect broad, general statistical information about how visitors use our site, such as how often each page is visited. We do not collect information on individual visits to the site without the expressed permission of the user.

There are links to other websites throughout our site for the purpose of providing more useful and complete information. We do not take responsibility for the contents or privacy practices of any website other than our own. If you have any questions about our privacy policies, please contact us.